A Guide To Modem Internet
An Internet connection can be great if it is fast enough. But it can also be frustrating if it is too slow. If you want to speed up your Internet connection, there are a few ways. A dial-up modem connects you to a phone-line connection, while a broadband modem connects you to a much faster broadband service. With any type of modem, you can take steps to speed up your Internet connection.
Buy the newest modem model that is compatible with your Internet service provider and your computer. Newer models are going to have faster connections. Connect the modem exactly as instructed in the manual and the information from your ISP. Skipping steps or doing things differently might slow down your modem. Some modems require you to plug the modem into the wall outlet first and then into the connection, while others want you to connect the Internet and then the power source. Follow directions about when to plug in connections and when to turn the modem on.
Change the port speed of your modem. Click on your computer's "Start" button and then choose "My Computer." Click on "System Properties" > "Device Manager" > "Ports." Under "Port Settings," choose "115300 bits per second" for a 56K modem or "57600 BPS" for a 33.6K modem. This will greatly speed up
your connection on these dial-up modems. Choose the highest available settings shown to you for other types of modems.